Before we can actually lose the unwanted pounds, though, we must come to a place where we decide to refuse to settle physically, even when we get hungry an hour later.
I tend to look at weight loss and healthy living as an issue of stewardship and honor. My body is property of Jesus, and I am called to 'honor God' with it.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV1984)
19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
I refuse to settle for the status quo physically. I didn't want to be the next candidate for The Biggest Loser, and I was willing to make small adjustments to my daily routine to ensure my success.
Here are some adjustments I have made to my daily routine that have allowed me to lose over 75lbs.
1. Eat 4-6 small meals per day, never being hungry and never being stuffed (There's food science behind this that I will explain more clearly in another post.).
2. MAXIMIZE protein and MINIMIZE carbs. I have never met an overweight person who hated carbs. Why? Simply know that unused carbs turn to sugar, and store as fat. Try to stay under 100-140 carbs per day.
3. Learn to look at the Nutritional Facts on your foods. Pay attention to grams of protein vs. grams of carbs. The more protein the better. If the food you want to eat doesn't have nutritional facts (eggs, potatoes), Google it.
4. Just because something says "Fat Free" doesn't mean it is! Example: Soda is "Fat Free," but before you slam another Mountain Dew, take a look at the number of carbs there are IN ONE 12 fl oz CAN!
5. Exercise. Plain and simple. I recommend exercising 30 mins. per day, everyday. There is no secret pill, tummy tuck, or gastric bypass surgery that can beat simply eating healthy and exercising daily.
Bottom line: YOU CAN lose weight if you want to, but you've got to WANT TO. If you implement these 5 basic things into your daily routine today, AND DO NOT CHEAT, you will lose 3-5 lbs in one week.
I will be praying for God to give you the desire to not settle physically starting NOW!
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