As I sit in an airport awaiting a flight, I am recapping the last 4 weeks of our ALL IN Series! This Series has been a personal favorite for me. Below I am going to briefly cover the main points of each week, and I am hoping that you use this as a tool to revisit when you may feel ready to throw in the towel. As always, you can listen online by clicking here.
Mark 12:30(NIV)
30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
We learned that Jesus is a bottom line kind of guy, and he sums up all 613 commandments in the Old Testament with one: That we would go ALL IN in our pursuit of Christ!
1. ALL IN HEART: Growing in Christ doesn't just "happen." It is intentional, not accidental. Pursuing Jesus with all our hearts means to do so as an act of the will (intentionally).
2. ALL IN MIND: Humans hear approximately 50,000 words per day, which is the equivalent of an average sized book! That means that something is capitalizing our minds daily, and if we are not intentional in our pursuit of Jesus with our minds, we can easily be overcome by all the other conflicting messages battling for our mind space! Read, pray, journal at least 3 days per week, and watch God perform miracles in your life!
3. ALL IN SOUL: If a person begins to connect with another person at the deepest part of himself (the soul), then he will begin to become like the other person overtime (married couples for example). If we are increasingly becoming more and more like Jesus then we will begin to care about what he cares about, which are LOST people (Lk.19:10).
4. ALL IN STRENGTH: This means to literally pursue him with "all the strength of us," or to leave EVERYTHING on the field and hold nothing back. You can't ever get comfortable in your pursuit of Christ, because at that point you stop moving toward him and therefore, you stop maturing. All of us have a Next Step to take in our pursuit Jesus! It could be trusting him with our salvation, or trusting him with our finances. It may be different for all of us, but we all have a next step to take!
To conclude this post, I leave you with a quote and a thought:
"If Christianity is false, then it is of no importance. If Christianity is true, then it is of infinite importance. However, what it cannot be is moderately important" (C.S. Lewis).
If Christianity is true, then the only biblical option is that we obey Jesus' commandment to go ALL IN! That's the only option. Anything else is TOO risky!
I love you all!
Pastor Jeremy
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