1. I LOVE MY CHURCH! When I say 'I love my church,' what I mean is - I love the church that Jesus has allowed me to be apart of and to serve. Movement Church isn't mine, it's Jesus'. I am simply a servant. I just wanted to make that clear. That being said...
2. DO YOU LOVE YOUR CHURCH TOO? If so, I want to HEAR about it via Facebook, Twitter, AND face-to-face. Do you know one of the ways you can tell WHO really loves their church? They bring people! They are on FIRE and excited to share with someone what they've experienced. It's just like skydiving. After my first jump, I became a skydiving evangelist, and brought many people to the DROP ZONE with me. The only difference is, what we're doing at Movement Church really will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, not just give you a RUSH!
3. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS SUNDAY! We are having an ICE CREAM SUNDAY SLIDE for the KIDZ (1st - 6th grade). Bring a change of clothes for them if you want them to have the time of their lives! For those of you who don't wish to allow your children to participate, we'll have an alternative option for you as well.
Also, we are beginning a challenge this Sunday called the COMMITTED 120 LAUNCH TEAM. You don't want to miss this opportunity! I hear there will be something FREE involved for everyone who commits to move forward with us! Details THIS Sunday!
4. PERSPECTIVE! Although the LORD is just beginning to pour out HIS SPIRIT upon us, we have already seen HIM do so much. To be honest, what you've been privileged to experience doesn't happen in most churches across America. Most churches don't experience conversions, baptisms, and truly changed lives like we've witnessed! Sadly, most churches are dying, but for whatever reason, Jesus has chosen to bless MOVEMENT CHURCH! I want you to realize that you are in the middle of a MOVE OF GOD! If there's ever been a time to give yourself to something, THE TIME IS NOW! I believe God will continue to blow our minds with HIS goodness, mercy, vision, and PROVISION for HIS church; HOWEVER, we must stay steady at the plow and not become lazy!
5. I HAVE SOME NEWS to share with you this Sunday that will BLOW YOUR MIND! Seriously! It's about the future of Movement Church. DON'T MISS IT!.
6. I LOVE YOU ALL! I really do! Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and grow with you! I speak on behalf of Francene, and our kids when I say that you truly make ministry a JOY and not a BURDEN! Thank you for taking such great care of us and honoring us like you do!
See you this Sunday!
Pastor Jeremy
P.S. We're having a party on Thursday, June 21,
and your family is invited!
Hot dogs, cotton candy, and snow cones are FREE for
everyone in attendance.
We're also setting up our inflatable bounce house
for the kids, and we'll have games too! PERFECT EVENT TO INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO!
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