Hey Movement Church! Last week’s worship experience @ Lake Anna was by far one of my favorites of all time. It just keeps getting better and better! To recap last week and prepare you for next week, I have 5 things to share with you!
- Sunday's Message Summary in 5 tweets:
- You do not get to "clock out" of serving. Jesus didn’t. #MovementChurch
- Be willing to step up and do whatever. #MovementChurch
- Entitlement is the enemy of service. #MovementChurch
- Jesus set the bar/example so high by stooping so low to wash feet. #MovementChurch
- When it comes to “out doing each other in honor,” I'll beat you every time. #MovementChurch
- If you’re new to Movement Church, we want to help you take your NEXT STEP toward finding purpose and meaning in life.
- The first step is SALVATION in Jesus Christ! We encourage you to quit trusting in yourself, and place your hope in the God who created you and died in your place to forgive your sin! Today Jesus is alive and well. Call out to Him in prayer and ask him to come into your life and make you brand new (2 Cor. 5:17).
- The next step is BAPTISM! Baptism was what you had the privilege of witnessing last week at Lake Anna! It is simply showing family and friends that you are committed to following Jesus and that you want to live out His purpose for your life. If your next step is baptism, please sign up at Connect Central this Sunday!
- The next step is OWNERSHIP! Ownership is exactly that – making Movement Church your home. If you love what’s happening here, and you want to go to the next level and get involved, ownership is your next step! As an owner of Movement Church, you are committing to plug in and serve somewhere, and you are committing to give 10% of your gross income to the local church (Mal. 3:10-12). If you’re ready to take your next step, please sign up for the next Ownership Class at Connect Central.
- This Sunday, Aug. 26th, we are having BABY DEDICATIONS! If you would like to dedicate your child (6 weeks – 2yrs. old), then please email Pastor Jeff Schapiro THIS WEEK and let him know: Jeff@movementchurch.com. Dedicating our children to the Lord at church is simply agreeing before God, family, friends, and church family that we vow to raise our child(ren) in a way that honors and glorifies God. We would encourage you to INVITE everyone you know to witness your baby being dedicated before God this Sunday!
- Please be in SERIOUS prayer this week as First Baptist Church VOTES whether or not to merge with us! We would become one church with one vision in many locations. I expect you all to go out of your way to love FBC, and outdo them in showing HONOR (Rom. 12:10).
- This week we are taking the gloves off once again for a message I’m preaching called “A Piece of My Mind.” In light of some of our recent critics, I want to chat with you about “why” we do what we do at Movement Church! It should be fun. So, bring SOMEBODY!
Pastor Jeremy
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