- I'm loving our new series Extreme Makeover: Life Edition. Here's a brief review of last Sunday:
- Satan has come to destroy us. Jesus has come to fulfill us (Jn. 10:10).
- Desires shape our priorities, priorities shape our choices, choices shape our lives. Do we desire God's blessing over our lives, or our own agenda?
- Priority # 2 of a Blessed Life: Family/Relationships. To be human is to be in relationship, because we were created in God's image & likeness (Gen. 1:26). Therefore, our relationships matter.
- 3 Things Jesus Came to Restore: 1) Our relationship to God; 2) Our view of self (healthy identity); 3) Our relationship with each other
- Main point: If we love God and have a healthy view of self, in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17), then we can rightly love others. If we don't, our relationships will suffer. We'll either depend on others too much (dependance), seek to use people rather than love them (independence), play the victim card (victim mentality), have trust issues (insecurity), or isolate ourselves from others (isolation). All of which leads to destructive relationships, rather than relationships blessed by God.
- Challenge: Choose to live from our identity in Christ, not for our identity in others. If we do this, our relationships will be the BLESSED EVER! Don't waste your life!!!
- Owners: This is your time to shine! We've begun a new year, and we want to continue moving in the blessing we've experienced in December. That means, as owners, we're called to 4 things:
- Serve - If you're an owner and you're not serving somewhere, please email pastor Jeff today: Jeff@movementchurch.com. We would be glad to get you plugged in. There's no better way to both grow in your faith and make an eternal impact than through serving! Let's go!!!
- Bring - You have the great privilege of belonging to a church where it's okay to bring people who are far from God. We want you to be excited to invite your sister, friend, co-worker, mom, etc. We promise that we'll do everything we can to love and lead them to Christ! So, do your part as owners and get them here!!!
- Grow - Regardless of your past, it's not normal to backslide or fall into the same sin pattern as you always have. To be in Christ means to constantly be growing into the person God created you to be! At Movement, we take this very seriously. We understand that sin always ends down the same dead-end path. Because Jesus is alive, we have new hope, new life, and new purpose to walk in everyday. God saved us to reach others for Him. The best way to do that is to live differently! No other way leads to joy, peace, and purpose! Choose growth today!!!
- Give - Why should we give? So we can continue reaching people for Christ, period. The more we give, the more we reach. Our vision is to grow into our own established worship space, so we can maximize our reach for Christ. This will happen when we as a church get fired up about reaching those far from God. If the Bible is true, then Hell is real and people we know and love are headed there, unless we do something about it. God's plan? His church! Let's be the church and reach people for Christ! Give and give BIG!!!
- Team Intense is coming next week! Here's what we need you to do:
- Share every video, picture, or promo we put out on Facebook. Help us get the word out church!!!
- Invite every family you know with kids! This event really is for the kids. This is our way of loving and reaching them for Christ! So, please do your part and invite, invite, invite to this FREE EVENT!
- Serve - We need MVP's to help set up/clean up on Wednesday, Friday, & Sunday evenings next week! If you'd love to be apart of the Team Intense Crew, please email Pastor Jeff TODAY: Jeff@movementchurch.com

Pastor Jeremy
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