As Francene and I have reflected on 2012, we’ve realized this year
has been the best year of our lives,
thus far. In light of that, we want to share 12 reasons why. But before we do...
We understand that for many, 2012 has been bitterly difficult to endure. That's why this has been painfully beautiful to write. We want you to know that we mourn with you. We've shed tears for you. We've hurt for you. Paul's words from a prison cell couldn't be more timely: For I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I
know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every
circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
So, as we share, please understand that our heart is one of gratitude not boasting, humility, not pride. As we mourn with you, we ask that you try to rejoice with us.
#12. Our New Home – We’ve been blessed with a spacious home
close to the church and good friends.
The kids can run and play with room to spare. We can play tag and hide & seek with ease! Thank you Jesus for this blessing!
#11. Charles Hill and Tiffany Hill - It's rare to find people honest enough to tell you where you fall short in a loving way. Charles was that person for me. Jesus used him to open my eyes to countless things. From Willow Creek to New Spring, this man saved me years of fruitless toil! Thank you Charles Hill! I'm forever indebted to you and your family!
#10. New Friendships –
We’ve experience several new and special friendships this year that have become precious to our family. Ministry and friendship are two words that don't seem to go well together. But God has brought us some amazing people to journey with. To our friends, THANK YOU!
#9. Movement Church – We’re privileged to serve the greatest
church on the planet (no offense). Jesus
has overwhelmingly blessed us this year by growing Movement Church deeper and
wider on EVERY level possible. Words can’t
express what our church family means to us. Thank you for the great opportunity
to serve you! We hope to give you the next 40 years of our lives! We love you all!
#8. Movement Church Staff – My team is unlike any group of
people I've ever met.
They're awesome! Each one is so faithful, giving, teachable, and willing to take big risks for God's Kingdom! Fran and I couldn't do this without you!
Jesus is building something special, and we’re grateful that He’s surrounded
us with a team that shares our heartbeat for lost people.
Thank you team! We love you!
#7. Life Change – We’ve
had a front row seat to God’s mighty hand in the saving and changing of many
lives this year. Our God is alive. He is able.
He is good.
And He is MIGHTY TO SAVE! To every person who has been born again into a living hope (
1 Peter 1:3), we want you to know how grateful to God we are for each of you! We love you all!
#6. Quiet Nights – We’ve enjoyed predictable
bedtime routines, and peaceful nights. We learned that quiet is good, and that uneventful
is a blessing from God.
#5. Good Health - We've been blessed with good health. 366 days of no stitches, broken bones, or bad reports is something I NEVER take for granted! Thank you Jesus for my healthy family!
#4. California Vacation – We were so blessed to take our
kids to the West Coast. We were privileged to experience everything we had hoped,
and more. From Santa Monica Pier, to
Laguna Beach, Hollywood Boulevard to Rodeo Drive, beautiful mountains to glorious
sunsets, gorgeous coastal highways to the sweet smell of the desert, Joshua Tree
to Palm Springs, lizards to jack rabbits, it was a tremendous blessing from God!
But the best part of all was getting to see my family in 29 Palms!
#3. Candelaria Family – Even more awesome than seeing the
beauty of California was introducing our kids to their Grandpa. The way he took
special individual interest in each of our kids was breathtaking.
He is a great man.
I love you Dad and I want to be like you! We’ve never seen family like
the Candelaria Family.
From Grandma and
Grandpa, to all our Uncles and Aunts and cousins, this is what family should
be. We love you all and hope to see you soon!
#2. Our Family – Emylie, Isabelle, Jeremy and Brooklin are
our sweetest joy.
No matter what, we
always have each other.
We consider
everyday together a blessing from God.
5:11-12 is a constant prayer for our family in our home. Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

I'm grateful for my wife. She's my best friend! I've actually spent more years on this planet with her than without her in my life. We’ve grown up together. Francene, without you, well...I'd be lost. Thank you for sacrificing so much for our church, our family, and me. I'm deeply in love with you!
#1. Our God – Jesus, you’re making all things new (Rev. 21:5). Thank you for tasting the bitterness of death
so we could taste the sweetness of life.
Thank you for our salvation, our family, church family, vacations,
friendships, life change, quiet nights, our home, and health & wellness. God...YOU ARE FAITHFUL!
Psalm 12:6 “I will
sing to the LORD, for He has been good to me.”
-Jeremy and Francene Schweyer