- I love our church! I'm so grateful that Jesus has called me to serve His church and love His people. God is doing something very special in our midst, and lest you think it's normal, it isn't. I just heard Perry Noble quote a statistic that is saddening. He stated that 85% of churches are in decline; 15% are growing; 2% are growing by conversion. Translation: By God's grace alone, we are among 2% of churches in America that are growing by Life-Change! Can I get an AMEN?
- Connect Groups are coming! Connect Groups are coming! That was supposed to be a play on Paul Revere's "The British are coming." Okay, never mind. But Connect Groups are coming, and I highly recommend that you sign yourself up for one this Sunday. Why? So you can take your relationship with Jesus to a HNL (Hole Nutha Level)! Connect Groups are also vital in connecting you with other people who might share the same struggles as you do. Remember, one of us isn't as strong as all of us! **Reminder: These groups are closed, meaning you cannot get in one after the December 30th deadline, and they run for only 12 weeks at a time. Try one. I dare you!
- If you love your church like I do, and you love lost people like Jesus does, prove it! There's no greater time to invite your friends and family to church than RIGHT NOW! If they'd ever come, it would be on Christmas (December 23rd)! Remember, every first time guest who comes to church in the month of December has a good chance at being blessed with a brand new iPad Mini (impossible to find in stores right now), or $250.00 in Christmas Cash! lt seriously could not be easier for you to invite people to church with you.
- Oh, and yes, I'm going to get tazed on stage THIS SUNDAY to help illustrate my last message in our series called THE END! I've been told that it's only 45,000 volts, so I should live!?!? You don't want to miss it. Trust me.
- This Saturday (December 15th) you have an opportunity to step up and be the church! If God blessed our efforts in passing out 200 flyers to our community, I wonder what He would do if we passed out 3,000 tickets to our church?!? Well, to make that happen, we need to get past whatever would keep us from making a difference for 2 HOURS this Saturday! If the bible is true, then HELL is HOT, eternity is a LONG TIME, and we've been called to do something about it! Do not let this moment pass you by! Join us this Saturday @ 1 PM at our church, READY TO CHARGE HELL WITH A SQUIRT GUN! **Childcare will be provided. **It shouldn't take more than 2 hours of your time for a lifetime of Life-Change!

Pastor Jeremy
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